Directed and produced by Shilpa Sunthankar, Fashionbuddha created this piece with Sockeye for the international marketing firm Waggener Edstrom. Sockeye had the great idea of telling the story of a Waggener Edstrom employee as she takes a marketing project from idea to launch; the story would be told by animating live action through photographs... and in reverse. After shoots in Las Vegas at CES, Seattle and even Times Square, and hundreds of photographs later, we put together this piece that the client was elated about and launched on the homepage of their new site.

CLIENT: Waggener Edstrom

VP Global Marketing & Branding: Shelley Stevens
Producer: Nicole Ishida

President: Andy Fraser
Executive Producer: Ryan Crisman
Creative Director: Peter Metz
Producer: Laura Hardin
Writer: George Mollas

Executive Director: Robert Lewis
Director & Producer: Shilpa Sunthankar
Director of Photography: Brad Reeb
Props Fabricator & Animator: Rory Magnus
Editor & Colorist: Jeff Dawson
Compositor: Adam C Sager
Storyboard Artist: Lily Pham

Featured Talent: Ari Montgomery & Jeff Alberts
Composer: Paul Dillon

2nd Unit Camera (NY): Jonathan Nastasi
Sound Design: Guy Baker, Digital One